Kids & Families Sports

North End Athletic Association Captures City Baseball League Championship

A feisty and determined 12u team selected out of the NEAA Majors Program stared down and defeated rivals Charlestown, in the semi-finals, and South Boston, in the finals to capture the 2018 Boston City Baseball League (BCBL) Championship. The North End team coached by Jon Larson, John Pezzuto and managed by Juli McHugh had a complete effort throughout the regular Read More…

Kids & Families Sports

North End Athletic Association 2018 Majors Awards

The following awards were given out to players and coaches in the North End Athletic Association Majors League. Regular Season MVP: Richard Bova – Cubs Pitcher of the Year: Nik McHugh – Cubs Sportsman of the Year: Sal DeAngelis – Tigers Rookie of the Year: William Previte – Tigers Playoff MVP: Jo-Jo Brienze – Indians Read More…


North End Athletic Association to Honor Two Long Time Volunteers at All-Star Game

The North End Athletic Association (NEAA) will host their annual Youth Major’s All-Star game on Saturday, June 23 at 6 p.m. at Langone Park on Commercial Street. The two All-Star teams will be named after two long time volunteers who have dedicated a lot of time and energy to make the NEAA the great program Read More…

Kids & Families Sports

North End Athletic Association All-Star Game Honoree Ceremony on June 24th

The North End Athletic Association Youth Majors Baseball Program will be holding our annual all-star game on Saturday, June 24, at 6pm on Dom Campochiaro Field at Langone Park. This year we will be honoring two people for their continued support of the North End Athletic Association (NEAA) and the youth of the North End: Pamela Read More…

Kids & Families Sports

North End Athletic Association Major League Coaches Announced

North End Athletic Association (NEAA) Baseball Commissioner, Ralph Martignetti, has announced the coaches for the 2017 Major League teams (Little League). Majors Age 10-12 as of 4/30/2017: Team Coach Email Indians Head Coach Michael Martignetti Indians Assistant John Pregmon Indians Assistant Brendan Graf Cardinals Head Coach Ralph Martignetti Cardinals Assistant Vincent Read More…

Community Sports

Awards Presented at North End Athletic Association Majors Banquet [Photos]

The annual North End Athletic Association (NEAA) Majors Banquet was held on March 3rd at Filippo’s Ristorante. Players from the 2012 Major League season attended along with their families. Each player received at least one trophy as recognition for their contribution to the team for the season. During the NEAA season, the St. Agrippina Cardinals Read More…