Arts & Culture Kids & Families

Geraldine Marshall Music Scholarship & NEMPAC Needs-Based Scholarship Applications Now Open For 2020-2021

 The North End Music and Performing Arts Center (NEMPAC) is now accepting applications for its NEMPAC Needs-Based Scholarship Fund (open to residents of any location) and for the Geraldine Marshall Scholarship (open to North End residents). The Geraldine Marshall Scholarship Fund awards four North End children under the age of 18 with a full-year scholarship Read More…

Arts & Culture Kids & Families

Geraldine Marshall Music Scholarship Application Now Open for 2019-2020

The North End Music and Performing Arts Center (NEMPAC) is honored to continue, for its fifth year, the Geraldine Marshall Scholarship, a full-year scholarship awarded to four North End children under the age of 18 for music lessons or to participate in one of NEMPAC’s artistic programs. The Scholarship preserves the legacy of Geraldine Marshall, Read More…