We last left the Doc’s Long Wharf case in Superior Court where a case review hearing was held in early May to consider issues previously remanded by the higher Supreme Judicial Court. At hand is (1) whether the North End citizens group (aka, North End Ten) have “standing” as plaintiffs, (2) an amended complaint by Read More…
Tag: DEP
“Doc’s Long Wharf” Case Returns to Superior Court; City Argues Dismissal; North End Ten Add New Complaints
The Long Wharf legal case comes back to Superior Court this week. The action follows a March 2013 Supreme Judicial Court ruling against a North End citizens group arguing for open space protection, under Article 97. The ruling supported a 2007 Boston Redevelopment Authority lease for “Doc’s Long Wharf,” a proposed 4,655 square-foot waterfront restaurant Read More…
Supreme Judicial Court Rules in Favor of BRA on Long Wharf Case Against North End Ten; Paves Way for Restaurant
A legal fight that started in 2007 over Long Wharf neared its conclusion on Friday as the Supreme Judicial Court rejected the open space and park protection arguments of a North End citizens group, paving the way for a restaurant or development at the site. The SJC supported the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) and Mass. Read More…
National Park Service Map Shows Long Wharf “Park”; Legal Case Remains Under SJC Review
There are some new developments in the Long Wharf legal case as the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) considers its decision over the next few months (See Case Docket). Oral arguments were heard last month in the environmental-protection and constitutional case of Sanjoy Mahajan et al. (i.e., aka “North End Ten“) vs. the Boston Redevelopment Read More…
Long Wharf Park’s Fate Argued in Supreme Court of Massachusetts on November 5th
This coming Monday, you are warmly invited to hear the fate of Long Wharf Park argued in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts — in the enviromental-protection and constitutional case of Sanjoy Mahajan et al. v. DEP and BRA, now over four years in the making. When: Monday, November 5, for a half hour sometime Read More…
Activist Kressel Files Amicus Brief to Support North End Ten in Long Wharf “Park” Legal Case
The drum of amicus briefs to the Supreme Judicial Court continues to beat in favor of the case put forth by ten North End residents to preserve the end of Long Wharf as an open park, under the protection of Article 97 in the Massachusetts Constitution. The case revolves around efforts since 2008 by the Read More…
Conservation Law Foundation Intervenes in Long Wharf Legal Case and Supports “North End Ten’s” Open Space Efforts
The Conservation Law Foundation has intervened in the Long Wharf legal battle to keep the open space as a park instead of a private restaurant under State law. On behalf of four environmental groups, CLF filed an amicus brief in support of the “North End Ten” versus the Boston Redevelopment Authority and Department of Environmental Read More…
Long Wharf Legal Update: City and State Authorities File Reply Briefs
The battle lines continue to form over the fate of the Long Wharf Pavilion and the open space around it at the end of the historic wharf. On September 20, 2012, the latest reply briefs to the Supreme Judicial Court were filed by the Boston Redevelopment Authority and the State’s Department of Environmental Protection. The Read More…
Sierra Club Files Amicus Brief Supporting “North End Ten” in Long Wharf Legal Case
The Sierra Club has filed an amicus brief in support of the “North End Ten” regarding the Long Wharf legal case versus the Boston Redevelopment Authority and Department of Environmental Protection. The case revolves around efforts by the BRA and DEP to license “Doc’s Long Wharf,” a private restaurant and bar at the end of Read More…
Yacht Haven Receives Approval For New Piles and Floats at Commercial Wharf
The Boston Conservation Commission voted 5-0 this week to approve a Notice of Intent from Boston Boat Basin, LLC, to relocate existing and install new piles and floats at the marina. Boston Boat Basin, LLC owns Boston Yacht Haven at 87 Commercial Wharf and is controlled by Charles “Chuck” Lagasse who was present at the Read More…
At Long Wharf, Concentrate on the Constitution
The Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) case of Sanjoy Mahajan et. al. v. Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA), about the conversion of the Long Wharf pavilion, has provoked much discussion on the pros and cons of converting a portion of Long Wharf Park into a late-night restaurant and bar. This discussion Read More…
Long Wharf “Park” Briefs Filed at SJC Pitting BRA & DEP Against “North End Ten”
Plaintiff and defendant legal briefs were recently filed with the Supreme Judicial Court in preparation for an epic and precedent setting battle set to erupt this Autumn over Long Wharf “park,” the open space area at the eastern end of Boston’s famous Long Wharf pavilion on Boston Harbor. The SJC is scheduled to hear oral Read More…