
Boston Parks “Pics in the Parks” Challenge

The Boston Parks and Recreation Department has launched “Pics in the Parks,” a series of virtual photography clinics for individuals of all ages and skill levels. Explore the features of your digital camera or smartphone while learning the technical elements of photography. Weekly challenges will be released every Tuesday throughout the summer. Select photos will Read More…


City Reaches Goal of Park Access for All Boston Residents Within a Ten Minute Walk of Home

Mayor Martin J. Walsh and The Trust for Public Land announced at Christopher Columbus Park in the North End on Friday, October 19, that the City has reached a major milestone – all Boston residents now have a park within a 10-minute walk of home. Through Imagine Boston 2030, Mayor Walsh allocated over $230 million for Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured

Under Construction: Prado Joins North Square as Closed Freedom Trail Public Spaces

Following the closing of North Square for reconstruction, another popular Freedom Trail public space in Boston’s North End has been fenced off for an overhaul. The Paul Revere Mall, known as “the Prado,” was closed to the public as construction begins on a major renovation, the second since it was created in 1925. [See the restoration design Read More…

Community Featured Meetings Sports

Design Concepts Released for Langone and Puopolo Parks

Boston Parks & Recreation hosted their third and final community meeting this week to discuss improvements to Langone & Puopolo Parks in the North End. At the meeting, representatives from the Parks Department shared their design recommendations for the new parks, shown below, and listened to the resident feedback that followed. (Click images to enlarge.) Read More…