Police & Fire Transportation

Copp’s Hill Moment: Fourteen Seconds is a Lifetime

(Thomas F. Schiavoni recalls an encounter along the highway that was too close for comfort.)      It happened one moonless Sunday evening in March. I was driving a little over the speed limit – about 70 mph – southbound on the Maine Turnpike returning to Boston from Portland with my wife and two visitors from Read More…

Arts & Culture Health & Environment People

Copp’s Hill Moment: Lobster Shells and Crime Scenes

(Thomas F. Schiavoni recalls the late adventures of the memorable Ciampa sisters, lifelong residents of Snow Hill Street.) The second of the three Ciampa sisters, Evelyn often had to defer to her elder sibling Lena in menu planning and food preparation in the kitchen. Josie, being the youngest, didn’t stand a chance. She was perpetually Read More…

Commentaries Police & Fire

North End Moment: Hello, Neighbor!

It was the first neighborhood meeting of the new year, and those in attendance were still basking in holiday glow with good will to all. Nothing too controversial clouded the horizon as the agenda unfolded seamlessly and remarkably on schedule. The final item about local undergraduate-renters was thoughtful and provocative. What does “being a good Read More…