Karen Cord Taylor's column appears regularly on NorthEndWaterfront.com. She founded The Beacon Hill Times weekly newspaper in 1995 and served as its editor and publisher until late 2007. She also founded and served as editor and publisher of the Charlestown Patriot-Bridge and The Back Bay Sun weeklies. Her column appears in those newspapers as well as the Regional Review, which serves Boston’s North End. These weeklies are now owned by the Independent Newspaper Group. She is the author of “Blue Laws, Brahmins and Breakdown Lanes: An Alphabetic Guide to Boston and Bostonians” and the co-author of “The Lady Architects,” a book about three women who practiced architecture in New England and elsewhere in the early 20th century. She lives in downtown Boston and blogs at BostonColumn.com.

Downtown View: Mass. Hysteria

The hysterics are back. This time it’s the mural on the Greenway that two Brazilian brothers painted on a ventilation building. To hear the moral outrage folks, it’s not just questionable art, it’s anti-American, terrorist-derived, anti-Christian, you name it, but name it only in extremes. Get over it. It’s a painting. But hysteria is now Read More…

Commentaries Community

Downtown View: Two Greenway Matters

The Greenway Conservancy is much maligned these days. Bloated salaries, ham-handed relationships with neighbors, advocates and meeting attendees, an aura of secrecy and a haughty attitude are some of the criticisms lobbed at this five-year-old organization charged with developing and maintaining the Rose Kennedy Greenway on top of the Big Dig. Maybe some of the Read More…

Commentaries Community Government Police & Fire

Downtown View: Parks, Pools, and Democracy

Rachael Ringenberg takes her one-year-old daughter to the Esplanade as much as she can. They head for the Lee Memorial Wading Pool, across Storrow Drive from the signs, “If you lived here, you’d be home now.” Rachael says the Lee wading pool is ideal. It’s not as crowded and chaotic as the Frog Pond, which Read More…

Commentaries Health & Environment Real Estate

Downtown View: Make MEEI’s Plan Better

Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary has proposed giving up its parking lot on the Esplanade, rerouting Storrow Drive and its ramps, building an addition to its main building over the Charles Street extension and constructing a large parking lot underneath the Esplanade. Ambitious. There have been the usual complaints, anxieties, and turf battles. West Enders Read More…


Downtown View: Here Comes Summer

The Supreme Court has ruled that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passes muster with the Constitution. Mitch McConnell and company have had their chance to sputter, spit and go spastic over Justice John Roberts’s betrayal. So summer can now begin. Summer, at least in the way New England celebrates it, is the season Read More…