Real Estate

Parcel 9 Hotel Project Seeking Overlay Zoning District at Haymarket

Haymarket Hotel Development (Developer Rendering)

Boston Redevelopment Authority Project Manager, Christopher Tracy, has provided some answers to Victor Brogna in response to his letter recently published on [See Parcel 9 (Haymarket Hotel) Letter on Development Progress, Or Lack Thereof] We very much appreciate Mr. Tracy’s update on Parcel 9, a project we have followed since 2009.

Last October, this project went through the BRA Article 80 Large Project Review process but was never brought to our board for approval and no documents (Cooperation Agreement, Scoping Determination) have been drafted. This is because the proponent seeks a PDA (Planned Development Area) for this site and we will be conducting a thorough process and reengaging the IAG and community with a 45 comment period on that before any approvals are decided on or not.

Basically, nothing has happened on it since because we have been waiting for them to come back so we could start the process again. We made it known to the proponent last October that they would not be able secure any documents or move forward in regards to BRA approvals without that thorough PDA approval process.

Victor’s concerns over the height were noted and conveyed to the proponent and we’ve made it know to the proponent that this issue is something we’d like to further discuss.

In the time that has passed since last October, the proponent has sought their needed approvals from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. When they are ready to come back to the BRA for the PDA we will notify the IAG and public and start that process to hear how the community feels about the proposal.

Thanks and please let me know if you have any additional questions.

According to the BRA’s website, a Planned Development Area (PDA) is an overlay zoning district that establishes special zoning controls for large or complex projects, specifically where a there is a large building, a cluster of buildings or a mix of uses. PDAs require both BRA and Zoning Commission approval.

The Development Plan may provide for uses, dimensions, or parking that deviate from the general zoning for the district. To ensure that these deviations do not unfairly burden the surrounding neighborhood, the Development Plan also must provide for specific public benefits.