The North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council held its monthly meeting on June 11, 2012, the first public meeting since the recent election for six of its twelve seats, including three members that are new to the council – Toni Gilardi, John Pregmon and Gennaro Riccio. (See Election Results for 2012 North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council, NEWNC).
New NEWNC officers for the current year were elected in executive session and announced at the public meeting as follows:
- President – Stephen Passacantilli
- Vice-President – Jonathan Sproul
- Secretary – Bill Lane
Stephen Passacantilli chaired the meeting, having taken over the gavel from Past President, Donna Freni, who did not run for re-election. Passacantilli was also NEWNC President in prior terms.
The meeting video shows the full meeting proceedings: (Numbers reference time index in video)
0:00 Executive Announcements and Protocol
2:30 Report from Councilor Sal LaMattina’s Office on a Nuisance/Noise Ordinance
4:20 Resident Parking / Traffic Committee Report
4:50 Public Safety Committee Report
11:20 Greenway Committee
216 Hanover Street, Improv Asylum: Norm Laviolette has applied to the Licensing Board to add cordials to the existing Malt and Wine License.
NEWNC VOTE: 10-0 in support of the application
133 Salem Street, formerly Sheldon’s: David Crocini has filed an application with the Zoning Board of Appeals for zoning relief to change the legal occupancy of the building from 4 residential units and a retail store to 3 residential units and a fitness center. The renovation includes conversion of the basement. In addition to the applicant, representatives from Cross-Fit fitness and Attorney Daniel Toscano were present at the meeting.
NEWNC VOTE: 10-0 in support of the application
7 Baldwin Place: Dr. Anthony V. Bova — POSTPONED
350-352 Hanover Street, formerly Hanover News: Jennifer Pittore has applied to the Licensing Board for a Wine and Malt License at this location. The new gourmet pizza store will be called Locale.
NEWNC VOTE: 10-0 in support of the application
67 Prince Street, Monica’s Mercato, Inc.: Mendoza Family
The application was presented by Patrick Mendoza, Frank Mendoza and Attorney William Ferrullo. (Council member, Jorge Mendoza, recused himself from this part of the meeting.)
Monica’s Mercato has applied to the Licensing Board to add Cordials to the existing Malt and Wine License at this location.
NEWNC VOTE: 9-0 in support of the application
Monica’s Mercato has applied for hours of operation to have an 11:00 pm closing on Monday – Thursday and a midnight closing on Friday – Sunday.
NEWNC VOTE: 9-0 in support of the application
Open Discussion/Comments – NEWRA President Stephanie Hogue raised the issue of zoning regarding the residential and retail conversions to restaurants. Several NEWNC members commented on the issue.