District One City Councilor Lydia Edwards’ office is compiling a list to help connect restaurants and seniors during the coronavirus pandemic. If you are a restaurant in the North End, East Boston, or Charlestown offering discounted delivery for seniors, please complete this form to have your information shared on Councilor Edwards’ social media pages and Read More…
Tag: District 1
City Councilor-Elect Lydia Edwards Hires Staff to Start January 2018
Lydia Edwards, newly elected Boston city councilor to represent Charlestown, East Boston and the North End, announced the hire of two staff members, Gabriela Coletta and Judith Evers. Coletta, resident of East Boston, will assume the Chief of Staff position starting January 2018 and Evers will remain as liaison to her hometown neighborhood of Charlestown. Read More…
Farewell Celebration for District 1 City Councilor Sal LaMattina [Video & Photos]
Outgoing District 1 City Councilor Salvatore LaMattina received a roaring farewell from hundreds of supporters at an East Boston celebration held on November 16th at the Orient Heights Yacht Club. LaMattina gave an impassioned speech thanking dozens of family, friends and colleagues, highlighting many current and former public officials, including the late Boston Mayor Thomas Read More…
Passacantilli Gives Heartfelt Speech; Grateful for Family and Supporters
City Council District 1 candidate and North End resident Stephen Passacantilli gave a sincere speech Tuesday night at Filippo’s Ristorante after conceding the race to East Boston’s Lydia Edwards. Passacantilli garnered 64% of the vote in his home neighborhood of the North End, but he lost ground in the larger Charlestown and East Boston neighborhoods. Read More…
Lydia Edwards Wins Election for District 1 City Council Seat Over Stephen Passacantilli
In a hard fought race for the District 1 City Council seat, East Boston resident Lydia Edwards took the win over Stephen Passacantilli of the North End. Unofficial results show that Edwards won by 730 votes, taking 53% of the votes in the district-wide race where ~13,000 total voted. District 1 includes Charlestown, East Boston and the North Read More…
Election Day – Ballots & Everything You Need to Know!
Get out and vote! Tuesday, November 7th is the City of Boston General Municipal Election. Polls are open 7am – 8pm. In the race for Mayor of Boston, incumbent Martin J. Walsh is being challenged by city councilman Tito Jackson. For City Councilor-at-Large, there are eight candidates vying for the four citywide seats. They include the Read More…
AG Healey Endorses Edwards, Janey in Boston Council Races
News from the Office of Attorney General Maura Healey: Attorney General Maura Healey today endorsed two inspiring newcomers running for open seats on the Boston City Council, Lydia Edwards in District 1 and Kim Janey in District 7. In supporting Janey and Edwards in Tuesday’s election, Healey praised their work on behalf of the people Read More…
Charlestown’s Jack Kelly Endorses Lydia Edwards for Boston City Council
News from the campaign office of Lydia Edwards, candidate for District 1 City Council: Jack Kelly, lifelong Charlestown resident and former city councilor-at-large candidate, endorsed Lydia Edwards for district one Boston city councilor. “I am proud to endorse Lydia Edwards for Boston City Council to represent East Boston, the North End, and my beloved home Read More…
Charlestown Forum for District 1 City Council Candidates, Edwards & Passacantilli [Video]
https://youtu.be/4FW2Vw0vPG4 The Charlestown Navy Yard Community Association hosted a debate/forum between District 1 City Council candidates Lydia Edwards and Stephen Passacantilli on October 18th, 2017. Candidates discussed transportation, education, and other issues pertinent to living in Charlestown and how the candidates would support and advocate for the community if elected. (00:00 in video) Navy Yard Community Read More…
Margaret Farmer Endorses Lydia Edwards for City Council
News from the campaign office of District 1 City Council candidate, Lydia Edwards: East Boston resident and former candidate for Boston City Council Margaret Farmer endorsed Lydia Edwards for Boston city councilor. “The issues that face the City of Boston, District 1 are complex, intertwining and far-reaching,” says Farmer. “With a $3.1 Billion dollar budget Read More…
Edwards & Passacantilli, District 1 City Council Candidates, at North End Forum [Video]
The two final candidates to represent District 1 (North End, Charlestown & East Boston) on the Boston City Council participated in a forum on October 12, 2017 at the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA). Moderated by NEWRA’s Sergeant at Arms Cheryl Delgreco, candidates Lydia Edwards and Stephen Passacantilli made opening statements followed by an extended Read More…
Fmr. State Representative Carlo Basile Endorses Stephen Passacantilli for City Council
News from the campaign office of District 1 City Council candidate, Stephen Passacantilli: Former East Boston State Representative Carlo Basile endorsed City Council candidate Stephen Passacantilli for Boston City Council District 1. Basile, a lifelong East Boston resident and BPS parent, represented East Boston from 2007-2014 in the State Legislature. Basile said, “Stephen Passacantilli is the clear Read More…